

連結和重新連結 (2016年1月1日)

我禱告求神賜下2016年的新年信息,我得到了從 神而來的話語:連結和重新連結(撒迦利亞書8:8)。

得到神話語的同一天,我收到了一通訊息:「我是絲特拉,我要謝謝你。我今天不只服侍上帝, 同時也服侍一位國際學校的校長。希望你還記得我。」

當時是1980年,我看見這位小女孩, 她非常聰明美麗,但是她的父親是一位漁夫,也是酒鬼,對家庭不聞不問。 我帶著她跨越600哩,進入了一家知名的修女學校。 通常,像絲特拉這樣的女孩是無法入學的。但是,35年後的今天, 我收到了這位女孩的訊息—-曾經她是敝履如垃圾,如今卻成了珍寶。




祂的話語是又真又活的,只要信,就必要成就在你身上。時候已到,過去你所祝福的人,要與你重新連結;過去離開你的人、在你的日記裡被除名的人,要與你重新連結。 事實上他未曾忘記你, 在他的日記裡常紀念你的過去;而未來,他會將你們的朋友重新帶回到你的生命中。

I was praying for the message to be released for the New Year 2016

I received the message from the Lord: CONNECT and RECONNECT: Zech 8:8

I got the message .The same day I received a whatsap:

“I am Stella.I want to thank you . Today I serve the Lord and also the principal of an International school. Hope you remember me. ”

It was in 1980, I saw this young girl ,very beautiful and smart , but her father was a fisherman and drunkard and none to take care of the family . I took her and travelled 600 miles and admitted in a high profile convent . Normally Girls like Stella will never be admitted.Today after 35 years, I received the call from the same girl. Once she was a trash , but today a treasure

I am Reconnected to her .

The interesting thing is that I brought all my coworkers and their families to a mountain for the New Year.

We travelled 12 hours to reach the mountain

We are about to start our first session.One woman came into the hall and started hugging me and crying in front of everyone.

Do you know who this person is ?

She is Stella. I gave her microphone . She was chocked with emotion.She started sharing her past how she was taken by me and travelled for 600 miles in 1980 to give a future, but never met me for the past 35 years.

Then I released the message for 2016:”YEAR of RECONNECT”

His Message is real and existential.

Believe.It will happen to you

It is the right Time to reconnect with your people whom you blessed in the past.

Time to reconnect with the people who left you and disconnected from your diary , but not from His diary.

He always remembers your past journey.He will bring your people back to your life.